Did you know service dogs can be taught to do a multitude of tasks? These include catch and break a falling handler, counterbalance for walking (balance/walking harness), retrieve dropped items such as keys, retrieve your phone or any item needed to make life easier, help with transitioning from sitting to standing, from bed to wheelchair, etc., carry items in a specialty harness backpack, open doors in the home and in public, press buttons for elevators and doors, grocery shop (off shelves or fruit stand into the bag, etc.), pull the door open and remove clothes from the dryer, support for standing to floor and floor to standing, alert a diabetic before blood sugar levels become life-threatening, identify and alert handler to impending seizure event, nudge and alert hearing-impaired individuals to doorbells, emergency alarms, and telephone calls, and be eyes to those suffering from vision loss, to name a few? Phew!